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Credit Unions Interpretive Letters

Interpretive letters from the Washington Division of Credit Unions clarifying RCWs and WACs related to state-chartered credit unions.

Number Date Subject
O-96-4 05/08/1996

Exemption from payment of state business and occupation taxes

O-96-3 05/03/1996

Provisions applicable to loans to directors, officers, and employees

O-96-2 04/16/1996

Requirements for out-of-state credit union to do business in Washington

O-96-1 04/11/1996

Response to objections to community FOM application

O-95-4 11/22/1995

The Exchange/Electronic Data Systems Corporation- Proposed Joint Venture

O-95-3 11/01/1995

Use of the term "credit union" in the name of your company

O-95-5 09/28/1995

Response to comment letters on Columbia conversion

0-95-2 09/28/1995

Interpretation of Chapter 419-64 WAC

O-95-1 05/18/1995

Direct marketing in FOM community (formally 95-A)