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Credit Unions Interpretive Letters

Interpretive letters from the Washington Division of Credit Unions clarifying RCWs and WACs related to state-chartered credit unions.

Number Date Subject
I-09-03 09/08/2009

Clarification of “Master Business License” and Related Exemption Issues for Credit Unions

I-09-02 09/04/2009

Pledge of Credit Union assets

I-09-01 02/11/2009

RCW 31.12.365 (2) permitting reimbursement for reasonable expenses for directors and supervisory committee members (official volunteers)

I-08-04 09/29/2008

Board Absences

I-08-03 04/09/2008

Clarity Of Consumer Disclosure On Interest Vs. Dividend Payment

I-08-01 01/31/2008

Credit Union "associate" board members

I-07-06 11/29/2007

Conditions of approval for ownership of MasterCard Class A shares

I-07-05 11/21/2007

Conditions of approval for receipt of Visa, Inc. “restructuring” stock

I-07-04 11/14/2007

Offers to make dividend payments during merger situations

I-07-03 07/19/2007

Use of the word Credit Union in name

I-07-02 01/30/2007

Clarifying what constitutes a MBL construction loan under Chapter 208-460 WAC

I-07-01 01/08/2007

Establishing no-interest/dividend accounts for members lacking a taxpayer identification number

I-05-12 12/20/2005

Payday lending and refunding application fee deposits

I-05-11 12/14/2005

Sallie Mae investments

I-05-10 12/01/2005

Gifts of minimal value (RCW 31.12.365)

I-05-09 09/13/2005

DCU authority over a CUSO subsidiary

I-05-08 07/13/2005

Use of the name “credit union” in a URL by a non-credit union

I-05-07 06/10/2005

CUSO payday lending

I-05-06 06/09/2005

Credit union payday lending

I-05-04 05/27/2005

How and when is a loan counted as a member business loan for calculating per-member and total credit union limit on member business loans?

I-05-05 04/27/2005

Conflict of interest by candidates for board of directors or supervisory committee positions

I-05-03 04/06/2005

Credit Unions acting as insurance agents or brokers

I-05-02 03/16/2005

A credit union may grant loans to its employees at more favorable terms than granted to its members, except employees who are also member of the credit committee

I-05-01 03/14/2005

Board member proxy

I-04-05 11/29/2004

Can board of directors meet in an executive session and exclude the supervisory committee members?

I-04-04 08/31/2004

Credit unions are authorized to act as trustee or custodian for Health Savings Accounts

I-04-03 06/02/2004

Effect of Conversion from Federal Chartered Credit Union to Washington State Chartered Credit Union

I-04-02 04/30/2004

Credit Union serve as Treasury tax & loan depositories

I-04-01 01/22/2004

Member Petition for Special Meeting

O-03-1 12/30/2003

A Washington State Chartered Credit Union May Apply for Approval to Invest in the Business Development Corporation of Eastern Washington, an Industrial Development Corporation.